Sunday, October 10, 2010

Redesign The Front On My House

cake candied cherry tomatoes and apple pie

This cake is the Caldebarcos saw Maria Jose del blog A twelve cachina a great person and cook, well I am going to tell it who do not know already, as I did not have all the ingredients for I have improvised a bit, here I leave the recipe is very rich, just a note ... she has been pretty much my ... so far though and hesitated to put the photos ..... do not get me too many mistakes when I retire I will go to courses in photography and decor ... as is what is


For the dough: 250 gr

. flour pizza
100 gr.
butter 1 egg 1 pinch of salt

For the tomato sauce

tomato sauce pot GM D

Other ingredients

325gr fresh cheese beaten (mercadona) Emmental Cheese

candied cherry tomatoes (link cherry tomatoes preserved in GM D) basil and oregano

Mass-Put the butter in the microwave 1 minute, and pour into the baking tray add flour, a little beaten egg and salt, set n ยบ 7 (hard 15 minutes of kneading), remove and wrap the dough in plastic wrap, put in the fridge for 30 minutes, plus or minus, a little hardened Once the dough is stretched, I do it over a base Silicone

- Place the dough, with the help of parchment paper on a greased and floured. (I was in the oven roasting pan greased and floured convection) We roll the edges of the mold and remove the excess dough, with which we can make some cookies or to cover a smaller tarts. Prick dough with a fork I roll with spikes.
"At this point I have a few points: The mass after pass the roll seems to be very thick at the edge, and left, because if left thinner is very difficult to take off, it only removed the remains of mass.

Assembling the cake
- Once you put the dough in the pan is covered with tomato sauce on top of this fresh cheese beaten.
- Cut the thin slices of Emmental cheese we put gum fresh cheese.
- Finally put the candied cherry tomatoes (ensuring that we drop the lowest possible oil)
- sprinkle with the herbs you want.
- We bring you into the convection oven (low to roasting pan and on top of cake, set 200 degrees, 30 minutes and serve, it costs a bit demolding without breaking so that

apple pie

With the leftover dough to me store in the fridge and I miss a Sunday small apple pie, and copied the idea from Marisa another great cook, very good rhymes, and always browsing, here your link Apple Pie
alone I've tuned a little. that really weird, well here is my recipe
mass envelope I
1 apple cake
glass butter cinnamon
chopped almonds (mercadona )
Divide dough into two parets and onto parchment paper, spread with a little butter diluted peel the apple slices and place in a part of the estate, pintarl apples with a little butter dilute fructose glass and sprinkle cinnamon to taste, pour over chopped almonds, cover with the other part of the mass (the painted face down) to close the two dough together so it does not leave anything, dilute butter and fructose (in the micro) and paint the dough sprinkle some almonds and place in oven convection pariila broil low and above the role of baking the pie, cover and set 200 ° , 10 minutes, when done to turn the pie carefully paint it with a little butter, cover and 5 minutes, 200 degrees, remove and serve

. gracias Maria Jose and Maria for prescriptions both gracias


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