Sunday, June 15, 2008

Greetings For Couples

Jigoro Kano, a man ... A Philosophy ... One Sport, One Word:

Biography of Jigoro Kano (1860-1938):
was born on October 28, 1860, in what is now the Eastern District Nothing in the city of Kobe. It was the 3rd. Mareshiba Jirosaku son of Kano. He died on May 4, 1938 aboard the ship SS Hikawa Maru. " At the age of 79.

Historical Context:
Born at the end of the Tokugawa Shogunate at the beginning of the Meiji Restoration, a period contemporary conflicting with the election of Lincoln in the United States. During this time Japan opened its doors Western trade and the expansion of capitalism and began to form as a power to resist the imperialist movements of the European powers.
The entry of Western culture to an area with a culture so closed to the world as Japan opened the doors to Jigoro to develop culturally.

Your Education:
Jigoro's childhood was not very pleasant as a mother was orphaned at the tender age of ten years.
When he was eleven, his father was hired as the Meiji government official and therefore his family moved to Tokyo. This allowed him to enter, at the age of fifteen, in School foreign languages \u200b\u200band in 1877 the University of Toyo Teikoku (Imperial).
With its entry into the foreign language school, was able to develop language skills that would be very useful later, such as during his study of Jiu-jitsu and Judo shift to developing the habit of writing his notes in English, which is not only protected methods of the strong rivalry between the schools of martial arts but also allowed him to mix the old with the new addition to encouraging new ways of thinking and better training techniques.
In college, Kano study political science, educational, economic and statistics. It was recognized thinker and part of its philosophy is to provide a strong value on education. I graduated in 1881 at the age of 21.
Early in Jiu-jitsu:
Jigoro At first it did not seem the kind of person that would revolutionize the teaching of martial arts and much less than would be the operator of a sport as widespread as the Judo .
of thin build and not very high, I think the judo athlete began his sporting career as a practitioner of Jiu-Jitsu in 1887 at the age of 17 years, Tenjin-shinyou School under the tutelage of Hachinosuke Fukuda.
worth recalling that the Jiu-jitsu is a martial art that was developed by the breed samurai. Thanks to this, this art was deeply rooted in Japanese culture. About
1881 at the age of 21 Jigoro start practicing in a new Dojo. This was the Kito School under the tutelage of Iikubo Tsunetoshi (Konen).
a new sport is born ... JUDO
With the bases of Jiu-jitsu Jigoro create your own game by drawing the best and safest techniques of these, since at this time the Jiu-jitsu was more violent and many practitioners were injured.
Judo needed a place to evolve and develop, for this reason in 1882 at the age of 22 years, Jigoro founded the first Judo dojo, the "Kodokan" in Eisha Temple in Tokyo. "Ko." means teaching, studying and learning, "do" means the road or trail, and "kan" means building or room. Hence the name suggests that the mission of the Kodokan is "a place to study the way of judo." Initially
Jigoro had only 9 students. In the temple, only 4 rooms were originally used as Dojo. Furthermore, it only had 12 Tatamis 2 by 2 square meters. Jigoro lived with his pupils.
But for the year 1938 after the death of the teacher in the dojo practicing more than 200 000 students.
In 1889 a European tour makes inspecting the forms of Judo elementary education and in turn spread it further.

The Big Three pillars of the philosophy of Kano:

"Zeny Seiryoku - Maximum efficiency in the use of force"

A Jigoro Kano this principle was not entirely satisfactory for understanding the mechanisms that techniques were based Ju Jitsu and Judo, as it was with many cases where that did not conform to the philosophy of teaching. Kano said:
"If we can apply the techniques leveraging the strength of the other when he attacks us, what we do against an opponent that did not move." He continued Kano:
"Judo should not encounter such problems; if we want the other to move, we must take the initiative with the help of our own strength to seek greater efficiency and optimum results using a minimum of effort "

" Jiko no kansei "
is based on the pursuit of perfection in the person. That is, a person with good health, intelligence and good character must find work within this society.

"Jita Kyoei - Friendship and mutual well-being"
This concept is based on solidarity and friendship, helps the partner to achieve perfection and implies that if one seeks only personal gain is doomed to failure.
This principle is broader and also speaks of the friendship among the participants required that they should not see each other as enemies, is easily exemplified in the competitions, which can meet great friends fiercely on the mat without showing any ill will or mutual enmity to leave it.

His life as an educator:
Get In 1891 the post of Professor of Gakushuin. Became Director of the 1st school in Tokyo and became Consultant Ministry of Education (in April).
In 1893 he became director of the 5th. High school and normal school in Tokyo and in 1893 became director of the 5th. School and normal school in Tokyo.
receive the distinction in 1897 as Master of "Tokyo Teachers' Training School in September.
In 1908 the Japanese government approved a law that all schools teach Jiu-jitsu.

a goal is reached, The Olympics:
In May 1909, becomes a founding Kodokan, Judo is one of the most popular sports in Japan. At 50 he entered the International Olympic Committee (IOC), is the first Japanese representative on this committee.
In 1911 established the "Judo Teachers' Training Department" and founded the Kodokan Athletic Society of Japan in July of that year, was named its first director.
In 1912 participates as a member of the IOC at the Olympics "Stockholm 1912" the first Olympics where Japan took part.
also participated as a member of the IOC at the Olympics:

· The Years 1928 Years 1932
· Berlin 1936, called Hitler's Olympics,

In 1935 at age 76, receive the words "Asahi" . (This endorsement is given to taxpayers of artistic, cultural, scientific, sports).
In 1933 he traveled to Europe to propose to Tokyo as the venue for the Olympic Games edition number 12, but to no avail.
In 1938 attended a meeting in Cairo to propose back to Tokyo for the Olympics.
His dream of seeing Tokyo to host the Olympics, only became a reality 26 years after his death in 1964.

Death of a Master ... the last days of Jigoro:
Leaving behind a long list of achievements Master Kano died on May 4, 1938 aboard the ship SS Hikawa Maru. " At the age of 79, Due to a severe bout of pneumonia. Jigoro
returned to Japan after proposing a second time in a Tokyo meeting of the IOC to host the Olympic Games.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Where To Find Tsubo Shoes In Toronto

JUDO Judo - Terms

This is a small vocabulary of words in Japanese is very useful when learning the names of techniques, as well as understand some concepts. The names of the different techniques are armed with Japanese words and know them easier to memorize the names.

Body Parts:

Cubi: Neck.
Ashi: Pie. Tai
: Body.
Aug: Chin.
Hara: Stomach.
Higi: Elbow.
Hiza: Knee .
Kata: Shoulder .
Ude: Arm .
Waki: Armpit.
Atama / Kami: Head.
Goshi / Koshi: Hip .


Judogi: complete uniform (bag, belt and pants)
Obi: Belt . The symbolic purpose of this is to unite the body and soul. color represents the degree of learning in the West are used 7 colors (white, yellow, orange, green, blue, brown and black) but in Japan only use three (white, brown and black).
Sode: manga.
Eri: flap.

Within Dojo:

Dojo: Training Location
Judo: our sport's name comes from two Japanese words, JU (Softness, flexibility) and Do (Way). This can be translated as "Way of the softness or flexibility).
Sensei: Judo Master or instructor. Highest authority in training during class. The term comes from two Japanese words, SEN (Before) and SEI (Nacer ), which gives us something translated as born before and shows respect for the Eastern peoples to their ancestors.
Zempai: oldest student and experienced class. During the class maintains a hierarchical system in which immediately after Sensei is this. Is this who gives the order to greet the sensei and Shomani. Tatami
: traditional mat or carpet that practice. Traditionally woven fiber product of rice plants. Currently they can find synthetic and often covered.
Shomani: end with which one regards the Sensei Jigoro Kano (1860-1932). Creator of Judo in 1982.

Vocabulary Competition:

Shinpan: Arbitrator.
Shido: Penalty mild.
Chui: Moderate penalty.
Keikoku: Penalty Grave. Kiken
gachi: Victoria abandonment or injury. Fusen
gachi: Victoria by "Walk over."
Fusensho: winner for "Walk over."
Hajime: Begin .
Jikan: time.
Hansoku: Breaking the rules.
Hansoku make: Loser for breaking the rules.
Hantei: decision.
Mate: Alto, order to stop the fight or practice.
Kashi: Overcoming , Victor.
Make: Loser. Mitta
: I give up.


Seisa: Order Parea knees.
Mokuso: Concentration, Meditation.
Rei: Greeting .
Zarei: Greeting knees.
Ritsurei: Greeting Pie.


Ukemis: Falls.
Mae-Ukemi: Falling front.
Sempo kaiten-ukemi: Fall with rolling forward.
Yoko-Ukemi: Falling Side. Ushiro-Ukemi
: Fall back.
Mae: Go ahead.
Yoko: Side, side.
Ushiro: Back .

Techniques Types:

Wasa: Technical
Tachi-Wasa: techniques that are performed while standing. Ne-Wasa
: Techniques floor.
Nage-waza: Techniques Projections.
Shime-wasa: Chokes Techniques.
Kansetsu-wasa: Techniques levers.
Gatame-wasa: retention techniques.
Ashi-wasa: Techniques legs, foot.
Koshi-wasa: Techniques hip, foot.
Te-wasa: Techniques hand, foot.
Fusegi-wasa: defense techniques.
Gaeshi-wasa: counterattack techniques.
Sutemi-wasa: killing technique. Ma-Sutemi
-wasa: Sacrifice Techniques forward. Ude-kasetsu
-wasa: Techniques
lever arm

Kiai: Shout .
Kusure: Alternative .
Makikomi: Fall interlaced. Morote
: Both hands.
Okuri: Both.
Ura: Reverse .
Soto: Outside .
Uchi: Inside . Hadaka
: Nude.
Hane: Fin, Fin.
Hiki: Pull.
Maki: roll.
Guruma: Rueda.
O: Grande.
Chiisai: Small.
Migi: Right .
Hidari: Left
Kumi: grip.
Kumi Kata: Forms of Holding .
Harai / barai: Sweep.
Daki: Embracing .
Fumi: Move.
Fusegi: Defense.
Gaeshi / Kaeshi: Contra technique.
Garami: Keep .
Gari: Sweep away the bow.
Jugi: Cross.
Osaekomi: retention.
Osaekomi Toketa: Retention canceled.


Kusushi: Jalón used to unbalance the opponent.
Ushicomi: Practice Techniques.
Sute geiko: Practice release techniques.
Randori: Practice hassle free.
Tori: practitioner who performs technique.
Uke: practitioner who receives technique Tori.


Ich: One
Nin: Two.
San: Three .
Shi: Four .
Go: Five.
Roku: Six .
Sichi: Seven.
Hachi: Eight .
Ku: Nine .
Ju: Ten .