Saturday, June 14, 2008

Where To Find Tsubo Shoes In Toronto

JUDO Judo - Terms

This is a small vocabulary of words in Japanese is very useful when learning the names of techniques, as well as understand some concepts. The names of the different techniques are armed with Japanese words and know them easier to memorize the names.

Body Parts:

Cubi: Neck.
Ashi: Pie. Tai
: Body.
Aug: Chin.
Hara: Stomach.
Higi: Elbow.
Hiza: Knee .
Kata: Shoulder .
Ude: Arm .
Waki: Armpit.
Atama / Kami: Head.
Goshi / Koshi: Hip .


Judogi: complete uniform (bag, belt and pants)
Obi: Belt . The symbolic purpose of this is to unite the body and soul. color represents the degree of learning in the West are used 7 colors (white, yellow, orange, green, blue, brown and black) but in Japan only use three (white, brown and black).
Sode: manga.
Eri: flap.

Within Dojo:

Dojo: Training Location
Judo: our sport's name comes from two Japanese words, JU (Softness, flexibility) and Do (Way). This can be translated as "Way of the softness or flexibility).
Sensei: Judo Master or instructor. Highest authority in training during class. The term comes from two Japanese words, SEN (Before) and SEI (Nacer ), which gives us something translated as born before and shows respect for the Eastern peoples to their ancestors.
Zempai: oldest student and experienced class. During the class maintains a hierarchical system in which immediately after Sensei is this. Is this who gives the order to greet the sensei and Shomani. Tatami
: traditional mat or carpet that practice. Traditionally woven fiber product of rice plants. Currently they can find synthetic and often covered.
Shomani: end with which one regards the Sensei Jigoro Kano (1860-1932). Creator of Judo in 1982.

Vocabulary Competition:

Shinpan: Arbitrator.
Shido: Penalty mild.
Chui: Moderate penalty.
Keikoku: Penalty Grave. Kiken
gachi: Victoria abandonment or injury. Fusen
gachi: Victoria by "Walk over."
Fusensho: winner for "Walk over."
Hajime: Begin .
Jikan: time.
Hansoku: Breaking the rules.
Hansoku make: Loser for breaking the rules.
Hantei: decision.
Mate: Alto, order to stop the fight or practice.
Kashi: Overcoming , Victor.
Make: Loser. Mitta
: I give up.


Seisa: Order Parea knees.
Mokuso: Concentration, Meditation.
Rei: Greeting .
Zarei: Greeting knees.
Ritsurei: Greeting Pie.


Ukemis: Falls.
Mae-Ukemi: Falling front.
Sempo kaiten-ukemi: Fall with rolling forward.
Yoko-Ukemi: Falling Side. Ushiro-Ukemi
: Fall back.
Mae: Go ahead.
Yoko: Side, side.
Ushiro: Back .

Techniques Types:

Wasa: Technical
Tachi-Wasa: techniques that are performed while standing. Ne-Wasa
: Techniques floor.
Nage-waza: Techniques Projections.
Shime-wasa: Chokes Techniques.
Kansetsu-wasa: Techniques levers.
Gatame-wasa: retention techniques.
Ashi-wasa: Techniques legs, foot.
Koshi-wasa: Techniques hip, foot.
Te-wasa: Techniques hand, foot.
Fusegi-wasa: defense techniques.
Gaeshi-wasa: counterattack techniques.
Sutemi-wasa: killing technique. Ma-Sutemi
-wasa: Sacrifice Techniques forward. Ude-kasetsu
-wasa: Techniques
lever arm

Kiai: Shout .
Kusure: Alternative .
Makikomi: Fall interlaced. Morote
: Both hands.
Okuri: Both.
Ura: Reverse .
Soto: Outside .
Uchi: Inside . Hadaka
: Nude.
Hane: Fin, Fin.
Hiki: Pull.
Maki: roll.
Guruma: Rueda.
O: Grande.
Chiisai: Small.
Migi: Right .
Hidari: Left
Kumi: grip.
Kumi Kata: Forms of Holding .
Harai / barai: Sweep.
Daki: Embracing .
Fumi: Move.
Fusegi: Defense.
Gaeshi / Kaeshi: Contra technique.
Garami: Keep .
Gari: Sweep away the bow.
Jugi: Cross.
Osaekomi: retention.
Osaekomi Toketa: Retention canceled.


Kusushi: Jalón used to unbalance the opponent.
Ushicomi: Practice Techniques.
Sute geiko: Practice release techniques.
Randori: Practice hassle free.
Tori: practitioner who performs technique.
Uke: practitioner who receives technique Tori.


Ich: One
Nin: Two.
San: Three .
Shi: Four .
Go: Five.
Roku: Six .
Sichi: Seven.
Hachi: Eight .
Ku: Nine .
Ju: Ten .


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