Bonus. Productivity. Commitment. Value judgments.
Bonus. Productivity. Commitment. Value judgments. I love to mix these concepts in a financial blog posts where they predominate. Therefore I will give an example of Banking.
Cash Bonuses Madrid 25M € for 10 managers, or € 300,000 for the purposes of Caixa Catalunya. I attached the links Expansion
Are we talking about the same? Is it morally acceptable for those entities currently financed with public funds to be allocated bonus? The truth is that when we ask staff committed to our companies, we should start with senior management, which incidentally is not an estate specially designated with this virtue. A study by Towers Perrin, (The Wall Street Journal, Gary Hamel), conducted over 90,000 employees in 18 countries, you have 2 conclusions: 1 ª
companies with higher level of commitment among its employees have higher growth and greater results
2 nd only 21% (2 of 10 employees) is truly committed
Within this 20% is also senior management. Even if we assume that in this case, we got to 30% of committed, the conclusion is that only 3 out of 10 managers would be truly committed, or whether antepondrían general interest to their own individual. As shown another button:
The truth is that a fever has broken, tied to the CPI increase of 3%, workers raise their wages change, the more ligarles corporate profits, increasing at the expense of variables fixed some companies who need these formulas to survive. And of course, have chosen a bad time to find receptivity among workers, as during the boom years have not used that formula, and is currently being appealed to the responsibility that we see, others do not.
Now is the time to change course and to bind employees to the company results, as suggested by Angela Merkel and many others. So I rebel with the treatment they deserve the two statements of principle. "Can € 25M compared among 10 people who set themselves such goals with 300,000 € between over 5000?? I think not. My company has allocated € 500,000 from 180 workers in what is the commitment to a system tied to the value of the company. CataluñaCaixa is trying to turn, there is a great bonus, not a lot of money, but it is clear that not all contribute the same, and maybe you have done any good. Not differentiate the major contributors is a mistake we will pay all, and the variable remuneration linked to the outcome is all that can make us regain competitiveness and fairness in compensation, which is not all win the same: is paying more to those who most deserve it . Simon David Herguedas
Gadea Pharmaceutical HR Manager
Group Professor of Human Resources of the EEN.
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