Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Homemade Trailers Ontario

organic food cooperatives. A fashion or a profound change in the way people consume?

http://www.opinion.com.bo/opinion/articulos / 2011/0227/noticias.php? id = 3449 & rating = 5 Cochabamba

Hundreds of heartbreaking stories of malformations remain anonymous BETWEEN 2010 AND 2011.
30 babies were born deformed in the tropics for pesticides
By: ZULMA G. CAMACHO zcamacho@opinion.com.bo
was admitted three days ago a woman 7 months pregnant in Room B of the Hospital Maternológico "Urquidi Germain." The diagnosis indicates that this is a thoracopagus, ie, a fetus formed by two individuals together, almost completely to the chest. For the seriousness of pregnancy should be interrupted. Not revealed details of respect for the mother.
productive projects announced figures permanently import or export of products, but none considers the human sacrifice and life in all its expressions. The intensive use of pesticides for the production is the weapon that kills in silence. One of the most publicized was the birth of a baby princess in one lower limb in the tropics of Cochabamba. (04/03/2008). "Parents were involved in banana cultivation and live in the same room with fertilizers and pesticides," said gynecologist maternológico, Angel Maida. Tanta shock in this case obscured the tens of fetal malformations, not so visible, but harmful in infants, and mother and family. statistics of fetal malformations in the maternológico, show that the highest concentration of these cases relate to the tropics. Women and children are most vulnerable, said Maida.
"In communities of the tropics, most often it is women who carry out the fumigation products classified as extremely and highly hazardous (type-Ia and Ib)," he says, the technical coordinator of the Centro de Estudios e Socio Environmental Research (Ceiisa) Janneth Fuentes. He emphasized that people do not consider this task, apparently light, is very risky. higher incidence among patients with Maida highlights three: the myelomeningocele (9), multiple malformations (8), gastroschisis (4) and congenital hydrocephalus (8).
The myelomeningocele (a defect in which the backbone and spinal canal do not close before birth) does not condone this evil life of any child. "Death is almost immediately after birth," said Maida. Gastroschisis cause the intestines and other organs develop outside the stomach, surgery immediately can save baby's life, but leaving sequels on bowel function.
Misinformation on the grave consequences of intensive use of pesticides, they see that Republic Avenue stores sell products in bulk, without instructional management, and technical information.

Younger pay the higher prices of damage
Besides death, there are daily consequences in the normal development of children. Problems of learning and memory in rural schools are identified every day in the daily work of the Centre for Studies and Research in Environmental Socio (Ceiisa).
"It is increasingly Often children between 11 and 12 years made the task of spraying, "says the technical manager of Ceiisa, Jannette Fuentes. This is because parents in the daily work, perform tasks that require heavier or stronger, and children help with the risky fumigation. There is another situation where parents' migration leaves women with the entire obligation of the house and agricultural production, and children are the only help. "Do not let children build on the family farm seems an impossible task," says Fuentes. Thus, in the training programs are encouraged to smaller shower after each spraying, and changing clothes, as basic prevention measures. "If all my children were born, would have twenty, in all have been born about 10, but now only live five" is one of the evidence recovered by investigators of Ceiisa . The answers given by women in this situation are: "Am I not fertile", "I'm sick," "The fetus does not set well in my stomach," everything but that was a result of constant exposure to pesticides . Attitudes like this are reflected in at least 65 percent of people who deny the harmful effects of these chemicals, or because they come to their defense to avoid having to leave and get their production. Trying to find an explanation for the reaction of the mothers, sources said that the idiosyncrasy of the people makes it difficult to see the damage in their true magnitude. "Pesticides reached rural communities as" Jampi "or medicine for plants, as something that cures, not something that can hurt them." In Bolivia the only regulation for the import-regulations on the registration and control of pesticides / Art. 30 - restricted but not prohibited pesticides Ia (the most toxic). The article notes that "the record is subject to a review risk / benefit by the company registrar and submitted to the opinion of the National Pesticides (Conapla), who derived his report to SENASAG who will make the decision granting logging , should be favorable with restricted use. " The curriculum at universities and higher education establishments do not incorporate much less material items that provide future professionals with the expertise to properly and timely care of the population.
The Ceiisa implemented, at present, information and training programs with children. The programs are developed ecological alternatives to improve production replacing toxic pesticides broth lime sulfur, fertilizer bocashi cow urine solutions, among others.

65 percent of producers refused to accept the danger

"The ease with which refer to these cases is alarming, since it does not seem to affect them at all," said technical manager of Ceiisa, Jannette Fuentes.
headaches, skin irritation, burning eyes, are justified by answers like "no breakfast either," I stay up late last night, "or" I ran. "

Government policies do not consider prevention
Ceiisa Janneth Technical Resources
Failure Government policies to regulate imports to prevent new victims of pesticides, maim any possibility of harm reduction.

Considerate-do attention and limitations in training professionals to assist victims of pesticides, such training Bolivian universities are so superficial.
When there is no precise knowledge of how to care for a person who suffered a severe poisoning, or chronic, rather than help, you can hasten their death. Sixty organizations working in the country to sensitize farmers about the dangers of indiscriminate use of pesticides.
In Cochabamba the Center for Studies and Research in Environmental Socio (Ceiisa) is the coordinator of the Pesticide Action Network and Alternatives in Latin America (RAP-AL), which links to organizations and institutions from 18 countries who object to the agricultural production model based on monocultures, and the massive use of pesticides. Consultations
author: ceiisa@ceibo.entelnet.bo


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