Tuesday, March 15, 2011

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Not one in twenty tons of cargo that moves in Spain does by rail, a figure that says very little about the consistency of our transport system. If no one disputed that the truck is unbeatable for the parcel, consumables and general merchandise retail, not much point in keeping them loaded road thousands of steel, coal, cement, chemicals, fuels, containers and other goods and in the surrounding countries should take their natural environment in the railway.
There are several historical reasons for this situation. We have a network and very poorly distributed radializada, whose design is essentially the same as existed in the nineteenth century and also the line density is insufficient for the size of the country, all due, and therefore a late industrialization and very localized. In addition, taking advantage of a situation of near monopoly, the railway companies before the Civil War did little to prepare for a competitive environment. The long post-war conflict and extended nearly three decades poor state of our roads. The development, based on shortsighted measures, opted for the use of the road as an alternative economic and social development.
With democracy, railway investments were focused almost exclusively on high speed, ignoring the conventional network, which they have to use the freight cars. The railway companies themselves have not managed to meet demand quickly to increasingly demanding industry, especially in material availability and reliability of journey times. For this reason, most companies have been forced literally in the last forty years without rail.
One cause has also been very present in this drift: the chronic shortage of private sidings. These pathways are located in the factories, mines, industrial sites and ports for loading and unloading of cars directly, avoiding intermediate handling. Its shortage is acute in recent decades by the suicidal blindness of many responsible for the railways, rather than encourage the maintenance and creation, did the opposite, more expensive and difficult to open new branches and even contributing to the closure of many .
An example of this misguided policy was in the 70's, attempting to create power stations as an alternative freight sidings to factories. Through a so-called intermodal, short-haul trucks would load the goods industries, to be transferred to central stations where wagons trasvasarían to take them to other central stations, where the new road would bring both to their destinations. The logical consequence of this system was that the trucks were made quickly with full transport from origin to destination, making the central station in little more than a site for urban use.
only large companies were able to maintain their own sidings have continued to use rail transport. Review the list of Asturias companies that move goods by rail (Aceralia, Tudela Veguín, Repsol Butano, power plants, CLAS, etc.) is review a list of sidings. Their existence has been allowing the Spaniard rail to be one that moves more goods around the country, because much of the rest of Spain and lay-bys are just a memory.
A policy to improve transport of goods by rail must start with direct access to industrial facilities, recovering old sidings and promoting the creation of new ones. Is simple and cheap. Japanese


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