DEMPEUS per la salut pública
En defensa del Sistema Nacional de Salut amb tot el seu caràcter assolit: públic, universal, de qualitat, integral, solidarity and of fairness guaranteed. 02/03/2011 GMT 1
The "shock doctrine" applied to the Catalan health
Naomi Klein in Shock Doctrine , tells us many things. The latest statements by the Minister Ruiz made us think about this doctrine.
The new health care model promoted by the CiU is intended for public health to worsen significantly in the country, taking advantage of the economic crisis, the benefit of private healthcare. In this regard we recommend the article by Martinez Angels Gender, crisis, violence and health which compares the consequences and measures taken in the crisis of 29 with the current crisis.
Discuss Boi Ruiz's statements to the NOW: "Health give more money to hospitals more productive," also to Europa Press, "Los fading presupuestarios the Catalan Health will make its Listas Crecer 3% of non-urgent waiting, according Boi Ruiz, "El Pais" remove Health the right to be operated at a maximum of 180 days "and" La Vanguardia " CC.OO. Health reports that will eliminate the programs in order to reduce the waiting Listas .
And then the article NOW, we have chosen because it lists the seven measures proposed by the Minister Boi Ruiz.
Minister of Health, Boi Ruiz announced yesterday unions and employers plan cuts in health, which goes through the end of the proximity model and encourage centers more productive.'s plan cuts slows 60% of investments
Structure administrative
S'aprimarà the top 10% of senior managers
The first to fall were the managers of the Hospital. One person centralize management, which previously delivered three people. But this is only the beginning. The aim of the Department of Health is to reduce 10% of the health system managers and end the duplication of charges and excessive bureaucracy. All in all, estimated that the structure is reduced by 20%. With this simplification, the Department of Health expects to save between 20% and 25% of the budget in this area.
benefits will not be accepted without drug benefits or funding
This is to negotiate with Madrid. The government wants to increase its power to influence decisions and will not accept any new provision in the health care available and no new drug that is accompanied by a budget. Reorder
The end of the proximity model: Not all hospitals will all
It can not be guaranteed that patients will have all services close to home. This was one of the obsessions of the previous coalition government, which gave many regional centers and clinics with new technologies to prevent displacements. Now is reorganized according to performance centers and critical mass. Just some extra services, such concerted activities to reduce waiting lists, and review the catalog of 14 surgical procedures to guarantee six months of waiting. Patients with urgent conditions should not expect more. Also be reduced by 2% rates of consultation with schools. Incentives for efficiency
Improved productivity costs and outcomes
is one of the most innovative measures. Health encourage and recognize the work of hospitals and health centers more productive, which reward you with a budget higher than other schools do not get as good results. These reward efficiency. New technologies
optimization of new technologies and research
Remove the recipe on paper and electronics as well as promote the use of new technologies throughout the health system to reduce costs. The use of email replaced, in some cases, the conventional consultation.
Investment Program
stopped 60% of the works and new services
Health reviewed not only investments but also screened la posada en marxa de nous equipaments i serveis. Només pot garantir un 40% de les noves inversions. La resta o s'aturaran temporalment o no es faran. El departament ho concretarà d'acord amb el territori i vol que siguin les entitats municipalistes les que decideixin les inversions prioritàries.
Més capacitat de decisió
Enfortir la confiança entre gestors i professionals
Es dotarà de capacitat els centres perquè puguin participar en els processos de decisió. Una mesura amb la qual esperen guanyar-se la confiança del sector i reforçar l'autonomia dels professionals. La majoria de mesures per contenir la despesa es volen pactar centre per centre.
S'aprimarà the top 10% of senior managers
The first to fall were the managers of the Hospital. One person centralize management, which previously delivered three people. But this is only the beginning. The aim of the Department of Health is to reduce 10% of the health system managers and end the duplication of charges and excessive bureaucracy. All in all, estimated that the structure is reduced by 20%. With this simplification, the Department of Health expects to save between 20% and 25% of the budget in this area.
benefits will not be accepted without drug benefits or funding
This is to negotiate with Madrid. The government wants to increase its power to influence decisions and will not accept any new provision in the health care available and no new drug that is accompanied by a budget. Reorder
The end of the proximity model: Not all hospitals will all
It can not be guaranteed that patients will have all services close to home. This was one of the obsessions of the previous coalition government, which gave many regional centers and clinics with new technologies to prevent displacements. Now is reorganized according to performance centers and critical mass. Just some extra services, such concerted activities to reduce waiting lists, and review the catalog of 14 surgical procedures to guarantee six months of waiting. Patients with urgent conditions should not expect more. Also be reduced by 2% rates of consultation with schools. Incentives for efficiency
Improved productivity costs and outcomes
is one of the most innovative measures. Health encourage and recognize the work of hospitals and health centers more productive, which reward you with a budget higher than other schools do not get as good results. These reward efficiency. New technologies
optimization of new technologies and research
Remove the recipe on paper and electronics as well as promote the use of new technologies throughout the health system to reduce costs. The use of email replaced, in some cases, the conventional consultation.
Investment Program
stopped 60% of the works and new services
Health reviewed not only investments but also screened la posada en marxa de nous equipaments i serveis. Només pot garantir un 40% de les noves inversions. La resta o s'aturaran temporalment o no es faran. El departament ho concretarà d'acord amb el territori i vol que siguin les entitats municipalistes les que decideixin les inversions prioritàries.
Més capacitat de decisió
Enfortir la confiança entre gestors i professionals
Es dotarà de capacitat els centres perquè puguin participar en els processos de decisió. Una mesura amb la qual esperen guanyar-se la confiança del sector i reforçar l'autonomia dels professionals. La majoria de mesures per contenir la despesa es volen pactar centre per centre.
However, a year before being marketed internationally (1956), the first child was born with the effects of thalidomide. Of course back then did not have any suspects. Although the malformations are rare, can occur without any specific cause. It was not until four and half years later that isolated event when an Australian obstetrician, William McBride, he realized that something was wrong. Detected within a very short time, almost identical malformations in three newborn babies. It was not normal, such anomalies are a few for each decade, but not in three babies at the same time. The frequency is out of the ordinary and there is clear evidence that there was more than a cause spontaneous. 19
From that small mistakes in medical websites will spread to the halls of medicine ...
respect to thalidomide, it is one thing he knew from personal experience. I remember as a child several boys and girls with their conseciencias when he was less than 5 years.
- Now, I have two suckers, but the truth is that the bombardment of questions to the gynecologist during pregnancy was fierce whenever prescribed something. Is it safe? How many years have you used? How many years have you prescribing?.
- And although we said that prescription drugs were safe, never we trust 100%.Misslucifer
says:August 24, 2006 at 9:25 PM
Wow, I had no idea. It's terrible. I remember the movie Constant Gardener, uf ...
Anonymous says: - RD
- Noooo ... Maybe that's why I never decided to be a pharmacist or doctor ... A lot of responsibility.
- In my country ... and suppose that many of lationamerica all lasted longer, it is known (and it sounds pedantic true) that this area tend to send the drugs banned in other countries ...
- A preguntilla, not if you will. When I look at a food ingredient, dextrose and almost always indicates a very rare case Levosa?That has some reason? The process improves the body or is that normal glucose produced / manufactured is dextrose?
- First of all I would like to congratulate its Shora indispensable blog. Let me add something about the sugars pipistrelum said.I think you're a confusion of terms, let's see, glucose or dextrose (a synonym) is a natural simple sugar which is also a component of sucrose with fructose. The correct terms to speak of the stereoisomers are left-handed and right-handed forms, substances that have the property of rotating the plane of polarized light to the left or right.
- August 25, 2006 at 9:56 a.m. levosa The truth that I have not found anything, but I think I heard somewhere. However, in English if displayed resulting in levose. From here"What I am getting at now Is That The Same Some Substances with chemical formula rotate polarized light to the right, plow dextro-rotary, as, for instance, What is Known as dextrose. Others rotate it to the left, plow levo-rotary, as the Substance Called levose. Both themes are of glucose. Substances Which There Are So Give the Same chemical reactions Which Can Only Be Distinguished by Their Being left or right rotary. "
says - August 25, 2006 at 1:59 PM
August 25, 2006 at 2:00 PM - August 25, 2006 at 2:16 PM
- pipistrellum
- ShorasaysAugust 25, 2006 at 7:40 PM Pipistrellum:
- I think this panel will enlighten my answer about that :
pipistrellum -
- In principle, the placenta protects many things, but not if they used any particular drug that did not pass through the placenta or the other to prevent the pass.
- August 26, 2006 at 24:49
- August 27, 2006 at 11:25 a.m.Pipistrellum: Radiation is not the same than drugs. Considerable radiation alters the DNA itself can lead to cell mutations that cause gonadal malformations in offspring genetic. Anyway, this is avoided by using lead shielding, beam steering, etc..Shorasays
- Drugs that alter the DNA that I know of are only those used in chemotherapy. Although drugs and disappear over time and have no effect, mutation remains.
- guess in Portugal is the prescription of Thalidomide and Spain. Here is only used in cases of multiple myeloma as a last alternative, informed consent must sign a billet of 10 page, which includes a section where he says he should not become pregnant, and for fertile women who are committed to follow a tt º contraception, with a strict medical monitoring.
November 26, 2006 at 7:04 a.m.
- lactic acid enantiomeric versionsjejeje, lactobacillus, I have an outstanding issue with this organism. saysPipistrellum:
- I just found your blog engaging and I love ...
- saysI'm glad you like the blog
- miraclessays [...] The Thalidomide catastrophe [...]
After detecting these abnormalities McBride sent its comments to the Lancet, a prestigious medical journal. However, its publication was delayed a few months "for lack of space in the magazine. But he was not the only one who found that things were going very badly. Obstetricians in all countries where thalidomide was introduced as alterations observed as rare as the focomielia was appearing frequently. At first they did not know what he was, raised environmental explanations, infections, x-rays, toxic substances, etc. It was not until on November 11, 1961 when another physician, Dr. Lenz became clear that the culprit of all these malformations was thalidomide. 5 days after its discovery, when he felt he was completely safe for the research he had done, he telephoned the company Gruenenthal Chemie. It took days of intense discussions with company representatives, authorities and experts before the drug was withdrawn, mostly by how the press would react. Chemie Gruenenthal continued to deny the teratogenic (causing malformations) of thalidomide. But increasingly, the suspicion grew that not exactly denied by honest ignorance, but in order to weaken the charges against the company.
After the event, many countries gradually began to enact laws to control drugs and the requirement that they be subjected to drug tests and tested in animals, as well as clinical trials before marketing people. also began the era of financial compensation to all affected families in all countries where the drug was distributed. He turned to look closely Chemie Gruenenthal evidence presented at the time the German authorities to be approved as a drug and that was when it was discovered all the irregularities they had committed. It took the company to court and forced to whom it was rewarded financially to the victims. The drug had been billed as "totally safe" became one of the most teratogenic drugs which have been known, sufficient intake of a single dose to produce serious birth defects and 40% of the victims died before their first year. Still, it is prescribing in some countries as a treatment for leprosy and some cancers.
The History of Thalidomide