30 babies were born deformed in the tropics for pesticides
We will then perform an analysis of the contents of the report Bernat Soria (IBS) to see the problems and inconsistencies which states:
as already noted, despite announcing that it was seeking a "balance" and the alleged statement that "it has had all the actors of the health system the group has been selected" ad hoc "to make certain conclusions. Conspicuously missing unions. No constant conflicts of interest and the principal author or other participants.
National Health System : NHS Information is general and not very relevant and very significant data are given and others are wrong, point out some issues:
not provide data on per capita public health expenditure broken down by
CCAA, when it is well known that his notable differences in some autonomy to others is one of the great problems of our public health system When reporting on the private sector has major faults information. That does not indicate the presence of consortia (widespread in Catalonia) public enterprises only be found in Andalusia (there are at least 8 in Madrid), when it comes to the private sector manages public hospitals indicated only Ribera Salud (also available CAPIO: Valdemoro Hospital). Another striking fact is that it reflects the% of private spending in Spain and its evolution and hidden that is above the OECD average, EU27 and EU15, and the growth of health spending in Spain was significantly lower than OECD in the last 10 years (just under 50%). In
weaknesses identified in the current model of the NHS set out the usual generalities on the subject. It is worth noting regarding the need for enhanced prevention is obviously one of the deficits of the current system and for the alleged indiscriminate use of health services, which is not contrasted (in Spain the number of visits per capita is high, but change is under number of hospital stays).
An important aspect of the situation of the NHS as the privatization process and its lack of assessment does not even appear.
NHS Proposals to Improve
- . They move in the realm of declarations of principles but with obvious contradictions, for example when dealing with the reference to improvements in management, to avoid politicization or responsibility in the management, does not address the need to avoid the disintegration of public networks, the systems facilitate effective participation and control of professionals and citizens (governance) and the need for professional management.
- Sustainability
- SNS. Again, data are incomplete and clearly biased. Addresses the growth of pharmaceutical expenditure is not related to the growth of public health expenditure, which would demonstrate that it has been over this the past 15 years, and when addressing the reasons for questioning the sustainability does not refer to growth of use of health technology and inefficient use has been internationally identified as the key factor in the growth of health spending (see
- Report Health at the WHO World 2010).
measures for sustainability. As is obvious after a half-raised misdiagnosis inappropriate and insufficient. For example, it again raises the public-private partnership when it is known that increases in health costs over 70%. This raises strengthen the role of the pharmacy's obvious that the current remuneration model (a percentage of sales volume) encourages
overuse of the drugs more expensive, and again puts the emphasis on its role in the promotion, when it should be based in primary care that is needed for adequate provision of this level of care.
The pharmaceutical industry in the NHS . It is a chapter devoted mainly to propaganda hiding meaningful data. To give a few examples:
- Not collected English pharmaceutical spending (and as% of health spending or per capita expenditure), which is hidden that Spain has a pharmaceutical spending very high. Under "vs generic brands"
- a graphic appears on the average price of medicines in Spain compared to OECD countries and no information on consumption of generic drugs in our country nor on the consumption in OECD countries
- do not consider the pharmaceutical industry spending on marketing and the problems that have biases of training sponsored by the industry.
In conclusion: a report is incomplete, with errors information and biases in the same argument always encourage donors
not address the real problems of sustainability of the NHS and those listed are not the most relevant The proposals made are inconsistent and based mainly All are aimed at promoting the interests of the pharmaceutical industry and the privatization of the health system
is striking in this paper a recent report that former Minister of Health striking manner during his term did not address any of the problems identified would to develop a system of incompatibilities for former officials to prevent action in which there could be collusion of interests.
From the Federation of Associations for the Defence of Public Health believe, as noted in the document TWELVE TO ENSURE SUSTAINABILITY OF THE NATIONAL HEALTH SYSTEM (
http:// www.fadsp.org/pdf/12propSostenibilidadSNS.doc ) the measures to adopt as a priority in our health system are: 1.
- Improving health financing
- Be aware that with the decrease of 5% of the salaries of government employees has been "de facto" a decline in health spending of about 2.5% on average. This decrease and the savings generated from other measures should be allocated to health financing to avoid the recurrence of a generation of debt. The prospect should be to put health spending at the EU average.
- 2. The funding status
health funding should be directed to the CCAA as a matter of finally established control mechanisms use and condition of the new funds to verifying proper use of those already received. Of course, the CCAA will have the option to allocate other funds own the healthcare system. 3. Improve the cohesion of the SNS by Integrated Health Plan
- Approval of Integrated Health Plan should serve to establish common objectives of the NHS as a whole and also to determine the health needs of the CCAA and the necessary budget to meet them. It is very important role Interterritorial Council in its preparation and approval.
- 4. Rejection
- copayment Implement copayments for access to health benefits, as demonstrated by scientific evidence, only produces inequities because it penalizes the most sick and those with fewer economic resources.
- 5. Reducing expenditure on medicines
- In order to decrease by 2,200 million € annual drug expenditure should advance the following measures:
Set therapeutically equivalent funding ·
Limit ·
6. Reduce the inefficient use of technology
is to reduce the variability of clinical practice (at least 10 points uses no indication) and to improve the appropriateness of the use of technology. The potential savings of these measures is very high, but we must also be aware that their effect can only occur in the medium and long term and require the collaboration of health professionals. In this line would have to move on:
Training of professionals in evidence-based medicine
Technology Assessment of the use to suit the health needs of the population. ·
Establishing clinical practice guidelines based on evidence ·
Promote a quality agency to assess NHS clinical practice and operation of health centers and services 7.
Increase the number of beds in medium and long stay, to achieve a ratio of 1 hospital bed per 1,000 chronic and favored the growth of day hospital places 8. Enhancing Primary Health Care .
What would the development of lines AP21 strategy in all regions, improving the resources of the AP and its budgetary situation
9. Promote the integration of primary care and specialist
it is essential to to develop information channels between the two levels and establish common criteria for addressing the most prevalent health problems, which will avoid unnecessary duplication of activities.
10. Depoliticize health management This requires developing a specialty in health management systems to ensure coverage of seats based on professional criteria and to encourage and / or establishing citizen participation and professional.
11. Reverse the privatization process must cease further privatization and re-integrate into the public network to privatized schools, as already noted this implies a saving of more than 70% in the cost of new health infrastructure.
12. Creating an NHS purchasing agency To allow the use of the advantages of economies of scale in purchasing the public health system lowering costs.
understand that all these proposals provide a horizon for improvement and sustainability of the public health system in our country to continue to maintain the characteristics that have given her great international esteem. The FADSP to the Pact for Health
Sustainability Public Health System : 12 ...
copayment in the press today
The Tafanera amazing and, indeed, an overuse of medical services and prescription
BUT . I'm stuck in a dynamic partial evidence to which are added new because they do not get anything straight. Problem "added?: That I do go up and down like a top with a total lack of consideration for my state. The patient to the system service. Isabel Saez
Altet disease-imaginary-the-perce ption
-of-sfc-is-disastrous-pa ra
http://www.facebook.com/notes/ monique-martens/opinion-by-med
this month in Rheumatology Professor Roald Omdal, the Norwegian Hospital of the University of Stavanger, publishes the latest discoveries about the biological mechanism of chronic fatigue. Adheres to a clear distinction between depression and chronic fatigue. The SFC is different Omdal writes, because it is a chronic inflammatory disease. Omdal radically refutes the theory that CFS is a psychosomatic illness.
In last week's edition of The New Scientist, Professor Thomas Borody of the University of New South Wales, linked CFS with chronic dysfunction of the intestinal flora, intestinal permeability and chronic inflammation of the brain. In June Johan virologist Weyenbergh past, the Rega Institute of Leuven, described in AIDS virus recently discovered how XMRV could be the key to developing a treatment for CFS. This summer we will organize an international symposium on this topic.