Sunday, February 27, 2011

What Does The Stuff In A Fire Extinguisher Called

30 babies were born deformed in the tropics for pesticides

clean home for SQM

Assertiveness and Activism Nonviolence

7 steps Forward - Cristina Rueda

We live in an ecovillage!

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See All Docs

steps to get going

an email summarizing the steps to follow to get going, here goes:
7 Steps to follow: 1-
3-Gathering money or borrow from Triodos Bank for project management.

4-Meetings to define your community spaces and activities and businesses that are going to offer 5-Program needs of each particular housing (this point and the previous one done at the same time) Order 6-group lending for construction settlement (by now probably already have been allocated grants) 7-Start

build ... and enjoy!

do you think if we started looking for land in area Maresme / Montseny and when we have shared many interesting proposals, and if no quorum, we gather to watch and comment ...
or prefer that we know before? some of us have seen in meetings and I think Craig is planning another soon ... A greeting to all of you

Jose Maria
I think the proposal is very good, I now I have not clear that it was a solution for me, but if that I have clear qeu The union makes the strength, and that the Made in vallamos alludara group could achieve a fine, subsidies ... 3 hours ago
  • ullike
    Like · 1 person

Enlarged Liver Picttures

7 steps - Cristina Rueda

standing public health

In defense of the National Health System achieved with all its character: the public, universal, quality, comprehensive, compassionate and of fairness guaranteed. 05/02/2011 GMT 1

Bernat Soria Analysis Report by
    collectiu @ 12:51

  • The friends of the
  • Federation of Associations for Public Health
  • do we get this report that we endorse and fully spread, both analysis of the "Report Bernat Soria" as proposed health sector performance.
    • Federation of Associations for the Defence of Public Health
      February 2011 Introduction
just made public the Report Bernat Soria "promoted by Abbot in which to analyze the situation of the National Health Service (NHS), and particularly in the pharmaceutical industry.
This report is one more of a cascade of them that have been occurring for some time and have in common is sponsored by pharmaceutical and insurance companies and health management. In this at least we should thank that made it clear from the beginning to its promoter. This is not the last to see the light, but like all its predecessors have three basic characteristics:

as BS (page 7).
offer partial data, hiding some very relevant, and always leaving aside the fact that the main problem of our NHS is its high pharmaceutical expenditure (in $ ppc per capita or as% of health spending), and laying smoke screens on many spending responsibilities to distract public opinion (over-utilization, etc) .

Promote the role of the private sector in the NHS, despite all available evidence shows that the more privatized systems are greater health spending.

in this particular report also draws attention to the customization of their responsibility / liability in a recent former Minister of Health (2007-2009), which raises serious problems not only aesthetic but also ethical.

We will then perform an analysis of the contents of the report Bernat Soria (IBS) to see the problems and inconsistencies which states:

Participants: FADSP as already noted, despite announcing that it was seeking a "balance" and the alleged statement that "it has had all the actors of the health system the group has been selected" ad hoc "to make certain conclusions. Conspicuously missing unions. No constant conflicts of interest and the principal author or other participants.

National Health System : NHS Information is general and not very relevant and very significant data are given and others are wrong, point out some issues:

not provide data on per capita public health expenditure broken down by

CCAA, when it is well known that his notable differences in some autonomy to others is one of the great problems of our public health system When reporting on the private sector has major faults information. That does not indicate the presence of consortia (widespread in Catalonia) public enterprises only be found in Andalusia (there are at least 8 in Madrid), when it comes to the private sector manages public hospitals indicated only Ribera Salud (also available CAPIO: Valdemoro Hospital). Another striking fact is that it reflects the% of private spending in Spain and its evolution and hidden that is above the OECD average, EU27 and EU15, and the growth of health spending in Spain was significantly lower than OECD in the last 10 years (just under 50%). In

weaknesses identified in the current model of the NHS set out the usual generalities on the subject. It is worth noting regarding the need for enhanced prevention is obviously one of the deficits of the current system and for the alleged indiscriminate use of health services, which is not contrasted (in Spain the number of visits per capita is high, but change is under number of hospital stays). bernat_soria An important aspect of the situation of the NHS as the privatization process and its lack of assessment does not even appear.
NHS Proposals to Improve
    . They move in the realm of declarations of principles but with obvious contradictions, for example when dealing with the reference to improvements in management, to avoid politicization or responsibility in the management, does not address the need to avoid the disintegration of public networks, the systems facilitate effective participation and control of professionals and citizens (governance) and the need for professional management.
  • Sustainability
  • SNS. Again, data are incomplete and clearly biased. Addresses the growth of pharmaceutical expenditure is not related to the growth of public health expenditure, which would demonstrate that it has been over this the past 15 years, and when addressing the reasons for questioning the sustainability does not refer to growth of use of health technology and inefficient use has been internationally identified as the key factor in the growth of health spending (see
  • Report Health at the WHO World 2010).
measures for sustainability. As is obvious after a half-raised misdiagnosis inappropriate and insufficient. For example, it again raises the public-private partnership when it is known that increases in health costs over 70%. This raises strengthen the role of the pharmacy's obvious that the current remuneration model (a percentage of sales volume) encourages
overuse of the drugs more expensive, and again puts the emphasis on its role in the promotion, when it should be based in primary care that is needed for adequate provision of this level of care.
elroto informe copay. There is a general analysis that matches what you already know about their problems and limitations. The most innovative proposals are called "alternatives to co-payment" which includes some events such as the "bag of points" would be lost by misuse of the system, besides being complicated and expensive management would be inequitable (the vast majority, over 80% of health consumption is decided by health professionals). Also included is the proposal for self-management of health centers tremendously negative results two users have been well studied in the UK.
The pharmaceutical industry in the NHS . It is a chapter devoted mainly to propaganda hiding meaningful data. To give a few examples:
  • Not collected English pharmaceutical spending (and as% of health spending or per capita expenditure), which is hidden that Spain has a pharmaceutical spending very high.
  • Under "vs generic brands"
  • a graphic appears on the average price of medicines in Spain compared to OECD countries and no information on consumption of generic drugs in our country nor on the consumption in OECD countries
  • do not consider the pharmaceutical industry spending on marketing and the problems that have biases of training sponsored by the industry.
In conclusion: a report is incomplete, with errors information and biases in the same argument always encourage donors
not address the real problems of sustainability of the NHS and those listed are not the most relevant The proposals made are inconsistent and based mainly All are aimed at promoting the interests of the pharmaceutical industry and the privatization of the health system
is striking in this paper a recent report that former Minister of Health striking manner during his term did not address any of the problems identified would to develop a system of incompatibilities for former officials to prevent action in which there could be collusion of interests.
From the Federation of Associations for the Defence of Public Health believe, as noted in the document TWELVE TO ENSURE SUSTAINABILITY OF THE NATIONAL HEALTH SYSTEM (
) the measures to adopt as a priority in our health system are: 1.
  • Improving health financing
  • Be aware that with the decrease of 5% of the salaries of government employees has been "de facto" a decline in health spending of about 2.5% on average. This decrease and the savings generated from other measures should be allocated to health financing to avoid the recurrence of a generation of debt. The prospect should be to put health spending at the EU average.
  • 2. The funding status
health funding should be directed to the CCAA as a matter of finally established control mechanisms use and condition of the new funds to verifying proper use of those already received. Of course, the CCAA will have the option to allocate other funds own the healthcare system. 3. Improve the cohesion of the SNS by Integrated Health Plan
  • Approval of Integrated Health Plan should serve to establish common objectives of the NHS as a whole and also to determine the health needs of the CCAA and the necessary budget to meet them. It is very important role Interterritorial Council in its preparation and approval.
  • 4. Rejection
  • copayment Implement
  • copayments for access to health benefits, as demonstrated by scientific evidence, only produces inequities because it penalizes the most sick and those with fewer economic resources.
  • 5. Reducing expenditure on medicines
  • In order to decrease by 2,200 million € annual drug expenditure should advance the following measures:

Increase use of generic drugs to reach 25% of drug expenditures ·
Set therapeutically equivalent funding ·
marketing / promotion of 5% of business spending, establishing systems of transparency and disclosure of all grants from pharmaceutical companies to professionals health.
Establish an independent and scientifically sound information and training of the
6. Reduce the inefficient use of technology
is to reduce the variability of clinical practice (at least 10 points uses no indication) and to improve the appropriateness of the use of technology. The potential savings of these measures is very high, but we must also be aware that their effect can only occur in the medium and long term and require the collaboration of health professionals. In this line would have to move on:
Training of professionals in evidence-based medicine
Technology Assessment of the use to suit the health needs of the population. ·
Establishing clinical practice guidelines based on evidence ·
Promote a quality agency to assess NHS clinical practice and operation of health centers and services 7.
Increase the number of beds in medium and long stay, to achieve a ratio of 1 hospital bed per 1,000 chronic and favored the growth of day hospital places 8. Enhancing Primary Health Care .
What would the development of lines AP21 strategy in all regions, improving the resources of the AP and its budgetary situation
9. Promote the integration of primary care and specialist
it is essential to to develop information channels between the two levels and establish common criteria for addressing the most prevalent health problems, which will avoid unnecessary duplication of activities.
10. Depoliticize health management This requires developing a specialty in health management systems to ensure coverage of seats based on professional criteria and to encourage and / or establishing citizen participation and professional.
11. Reverse the privatization process must cease further privatization and re-integrate into the public network to privatized schools, as already noted this implies a saving of more than 70% in the cost of new health infrastructure.
12. Creating an NHS purchasing agency To allow the use of the advantages of economies of scale in purchasing the public health system lowering costs.
understand that all these proposals provide a horizon for improvement and sustainability of the public health system in our country to continue to maintain the characteristics that have given her great international esteem.
may also be interested:
The FADSP to the Pact for Health
Sustainability Public Health System : 12 ...
copayment in the press today
The Tafanera amazing and, indeed, an overuse of medical services and prescription
. I'm stuck in a dynamic partial evidence to which are added new because they do not get anything straight. Problem "added?: That I do go up and down like a top with a total lack of consideration for my state. The patient to the system service. Isabel Saez

disease-imaginary-the-perce ption

-of-sfc-is-disastrous-pa ra

-the-patient-article473-7. Html

and also (in English:
European Society for ME - Research & Knowledge You are here:
"Over the last fifteen years have been deliberately sent some very false ideas about the world," writes Marc Van Impe. Explains and suggests why this may have happened.
Few diseases create as much controversy as the SFC. Healthcare providers, legislators and journalists tend to react with irritation when it comes to this disease. The reasons are lack of knowledge, and a false, deliberately created.

According to Professor Daniel Blockmans, the two doctors who offer their patients with CFS biomedical approach are "charlatans." According to Professor of Leuven, the scientific community agrees that CFS is a psychosomatic illness.

  1. However, there is abundant scientific literature that contradicts this view.
    this month in Rheumatology Professor Roald Omdal, the Norwegian Hospital of the University of Stavanger, publishes the latest discoveries about the biological mechanism of chronic fatigue. Adheres to a clear distinction between depression and chronic fatigue. The SFC is different Omdal writes, because it is a chronic inflammatory disease. Omdal radically refutes the theory that CFS is a psychosomatic illness.

    In last week's edition of The New Scientist, Professor Thomas Borody of the University of New South Wales, linked CFS with chronic dysfunction of the intestinal flora, intestinal permeability and chronic inflammation of the brain. In June Johan virologist Weyenbergh past, the Rega Institute of Leuven, described in AIDS virus recently discovered how XMRV could be the key to developing a treatment for CFS. This summer we will organize an international symposium on this topic.
Jonathan Kerr in 2007 described seven systematic genetic abnormalities in CFS patients in the Journal of Clinical Pathology.
So why assume that the SFC is an imaginary disease? € 635,000 Two doctors, Francis Coucke, internist, and Anne Marie Uyttersprot, neuropsychiatrist, have been severely punished for offering its patients biomedical treatment. First it was threatened. Later, at the initiative of CM, health insurer, the Association of Physicians "(the Belgian Medical Board) of Antwerp and Flemish Brabant filed a complaint against both doctors. The complaint was rejected twice. Then, the 'Committee Intermutualist' (A committee that brings together different health insurance funds in Belgium) lodged a complaint with the Administrative Court / Department of Medical Evaluation and Control. The two doctors were accused of prescribing gamma globulin and parenteral nutrition without justification. In a ruling of the court of first instance, the two doctors were sentenced to a huge fine of 635,000 euros. This was followed by a further complaint with the College of Physicians of East Flanders, which Coucke doctor suspended for two years. During the past fifteen years, many misconceptions have been deliberately spread throughout the world. The source of these distortions can be located precisely: the school psychiatrist Simon Wessely, of King's College in London. This man is not just a psychiatrist, but also advisor to the largest insurance holding company in the world, editor of evidence-based medicine, and the English edition of the ICE 10. Wessely decided, by his own will, change the classification of CFS immune neuro-psychiatric disorders. On 11 February 2004, the British National Health Minister admitted the deception. On several occasions, the WHO has pointed out this anomaly and required rectification. Dr. Simon Wessely had been identified as the author of this scientific fraud. His "impressive research" and his impressive resume turned out to be "built on sand." The British government responded by SFC inaccessible records of the NIH for the next 70 years. A measure that is most extraordinary.
Finally, on June 9, 2005, the European Commission stated that, for CFS, it should give priority to research on indicators of the neurodegenerative disease, neuro-psychiatric brain is not developed . However, in its latest statistics, the RIZIV (Belgian National Health) is listing the SFC between mental disorders. This attitude by the government severely affected patients: - Private insurers are happy to use the psychological label as an excuse to avoid paying compensation, - Hospitals confined to patients with SFC to the psychiatric ward or completely reject - And the medical advice of RIZIV exclude patients with CFS to receive pay, arguing that "build" their disability. - Doctors working for health insurance companies threaten patients SFC with suspension if they seek medical advice with the matter, - While charlatans, who exploit the suffering of these patients can continue to do its worst work. - In our country, anyone who dares to think outside the box "is first threatened, then finally severely punished and ridiculed. Cynical
Patient organizations are calling for an immediate end to this kind of malpractice.

The SFC treatment centers run by the teachers go Houdenhove and Blockmans, where there are only psychotherapy and physiotherapy have not been successful, as confirmed by two official reports. Moreover, many diseases remain undetected and therefore untreated.

patients on several occasions and the two doctors who were under indictment, has asked the RIZIV, ie the National Health Service, to discuss these issues. There were proposals for actual research projects. The only answer I received is that patients who disagree are free to resort to employment tribunals. This is an extremely cynical attitude, given the poor financial and physical situation in most patients with CFS is over time.
  • However, in the table of the Director General of RIZIV is a draft Royal Decree establishing, literally, that CFS is maintained by negative cognitions, such as "excessive attention to pain stimuli," "fear period" and, consequently, lack of fitness. In this draft, the proposed ban RIZIV "by decree" diagnosis and biomedical treatment.
  • This is beyond our comprehension. Unless it's all about money. Treatment by a psychologist does not incur costs for health insurance funds, since such costs are not reimbursed. Could this be the reason?
  • Marc Van Impe
  • Who? medical journalist, co-founder of the League of SFC, and married to Dr. Anne Marie Uyttersprot, who suffers from CFS since 1998. The contents of this letter is supported by patient organizations Meabe, CFS and ME CONTACTGROUP association.

What? CFS is not a psychosomatic illness.

Why? Evidenced in many ways the latest research.
Translated by Cathy van Riel

Reasons Of Confirmation

Intertainment Center Blue Prints

Video Video Incoterms 2000 Incoterms 2000 Incoterms 2010

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Navy Blue Shirt Balck Tie

Tips, ways to use and information to use Incoterms 2010.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Does Smoking 1 Cigaret A Week Hurt My Pregnancy

Analysis Report by Bernat Soria

Health Society

cure HIV They get a stem cell transplant
MADRID, Dec. 15 ( EUROPA PRESS) - A team
Charite-University Medicine Berlin (Germany) has succeeded in curing HIV infection in a man of 40 years with a transplant of stem cells that underwent three years ago, according to reported in its online edition the journal Blood. This patient also suffered from acute myeloid leukemia, a cancer that affects the immune system and, therefore, submitted in February 2007 to a powerful high-dose chemotherapy and radiotherapy, followed by transplanting said stem cells from a donor who had a genetic mutation that made it resistant to HIV. Then left antiretroviral treatment he was receiving and, thirteen months later, after a relapse of leukemia, underwent a second phase of treatment followed by a new stem cell transplant from the same patient.
Aunque los responsables de este paciente tenían previsto que el virus volviese a replicarse, después de tres años y medio sin tratamiento el paciente no muestra signos de VIH, ni tampoco de leucemia.    "Su sistema inmunológico ha recuperado una salud normal, por lo que la cura del VIH puede haberse logrado en este paciente", señalan.    Sin embargo, y pese a la eficacia de este tratamiento, sus autores insisten en que se trata de una terapia "muy arriesgada" ya que para recibir el trasplante "su sistema inmune debía desaparecer".    Así, y según ha explicado el director del Centro de Sida de la Universidad of Alabama at Birmingham (USA), Michael Saag, told CNN picked up by Europa Press, "is probably a cure, but at what price." In fact, he adds, the cost of treatment is "too high" given that current antiretroviral treatments for people with HIV "can lead a normal life, despite being diagnosed with 25 years can to 85 or 90 years. Therefore, Saag regrets that "will not be applicable unless they develop leukemia or lymphoma and therefore needed a bone marrow transplant."

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Watch Back To School Free Online

Sticky rice with seaweed, soy and almond chicken with mushrooms, pasta with seafood Ttuti, Santiago cake pan GM D

few days ago I received some samples to test the house PORTO -MUIÑO
I tried sticky rice with seaweed and my opinion is that this good but my husband has not done much grace, Santiago cake was excellent, the ride home with friends and loved by all not on anything, seaweed tea with my husband loved it I have not tried it I do not like tea, dried mushrooms were also very rich seaweed paste we also really like your taste, otherwise I can not even say we have not tested

Well here I leave the recipe and photo of what I've tasted ;

The sticky rice with seaweed Porto


Ingredients 1 bag of sticky rice with seaweed (porto-molinos)

4 cups meters
water 1 garlic (laminated)
olive oil 20gr

Place in bowl of GM D oil, set menu and kitchen when hot fry the sliced \u200b\u200bgarlic when golden brown, add the rice with seaweed and water, cover with valve closed when finished depressurize and serve

almond tart (organic production Porto molinos)
gluten out 8 servings

the box brings all the ingredients and the cross of Santiago

4 eggs 1 on
with mixture of flour and almond (big bag)
1 on sugar with algae (small bag) 1 cross


Mycook In putting the paddle and add the eggs, 5 minutes, 5 speed, add whole big envelope and 30 seconds, speed 4, silicone put in the tray from the GM D and add the resulting mixture, cover with the valve open, menu, oven, cool in the pan and when cool des mold, put the cross in the center brings the cake and using a strainer sprinkle powdered sugar cake

soy chicken with almonds and mushrooms Porto

Ingredients: 2 thighs and

against skinless chicken thighs 2 chicken wings
Marcona almonds
olive oil 50ml soy sauce 1 large onion

1 large leek 1 carrot

mushrooms 1 bag of dried mushrooms (pore-molinos)
1 cup water meter
1 scoop knorr chicken broth
1 tablespoon sesame seeds pepper

salt Preparation:

1 st Place chicken in a bowl with sesame seeds and soy sauce and macerate for 15 minutes. Peel and chop vegetables, add the oil in the tank and set the menu GM D kitchen when the oil is hot, add the almonds and brown them a bit, remove and reserve, add vegetables and brown, when browned add reserved chicken and sesame sauce (all in) cook a bit add the remaining ingredients, cover with valve closed, menu, chicken / meat, when done manually depressurize and serve hot accompanied with what you like best

PS mushrooms I have not hydrated because cooking alone hydrate

Tutti paste algae (seaweed spaghetti) with seafood

tutti 1bolsa algae paste (Porto-Maurino)
1 onion olive oil 40g
a handful of mussels
a handful of peeled prawns
fish stock (just coat pasta )


Place in bowl of GM D oil and cook 3 minutes set menu, when the hot oil add the onion and fry well, add the remaining ingredients except the grated cheese, cover with valve closed, when done manually depressurize, serve with grated cheese

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Piercing Procedure Ideo

New Weekly Report: The Chinese landing

When all countries seek solutions to overcome the crisis, Asian giant continues to grow to become the world power. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is already 2 / 3 of the United States is third largest exporter and accumulates more foreign currencies into their coffers. Against this background, who would not want to do business with China?

South Carolina License Template

Solution for HP D2660 on Ubuntu 10.04 (Tested and Working) Community

The solution that worked for me successfully install HP D2660 printer on Ubuntu 10.04 was:

Download HPLIP from the following address: install / install / index.html

Download the file to a convenient address: (Ejm. personal folder or create a folder for this)

Open the terminal and enter the folder where we placed the hplip-x.xx. (By ejm. cd ~ / Desktop)

Write on the terminal and run this command: sh (where the values \u200b\u200bX is the version that is available for that time , ejm: Sh )

We set it and should be ready.

The next step is to go to

System - Administration - Printing
select your printer (in my case is HP D2660), right-click - Properties - We are located in "Make and Model" - We click on " Change "- select the brand of your printer (in my case HP)
select the printer model whose driver HP D2660 HP Deskjet D2600 is series, hpcups 3.11.1 [en] and give the following and accept.

Should be ready, was tested on Ubuntu 10.04 with HP D2660, running well ....

Monday, February 14, 2011

Smell Out Of Ski Boots

FADSP article about the shameful and brutal situation in Belgium for CFS sufferers cure HIV

DEMPEUS per la salut public
In defense of the National Salut tot amb seu assolit character: public, universal, qualitat, integral, solidarity id 'fairness guaranteed.
17/12/2010 GMT 1 ECO
The Foundation claims the figure of the head oncologist
collectiu @ 00:15

Madrid 16/12/2010 Foundation Quality and Excellence in Oncology ( ECO), formed by 23 department heads of the main English hospitals, advocates developing new organizational models that enable the creation the figure of the head oncologist, so that patients can always visit the same doctor and lengthen attention span.
Today, the increased incidence of cancer, which affects 1.5 million English and is expected to reach 220,000 new cases in 2015, has made oncological consultations are overcrowded and desired spend less time to care for the sick. Thus, experts of ECO, the limited duration of the current consultations reduce the communication time between doctor and patient, thus preventing the information received is properly undermines the quality of care and, consequently, the quality of life the patient.

These failures in communication time also causes a lack of recognition of the physician towards the patient and vice versa, which, according to experts ECO Foundation, is absolutely necessary to build safety into the patient producing a loss trust and concern for the monitoring of their own evolution. New organizational models and oncologists header
To improve the quality of care, the Foundation committed ECO new organizational models that prevent doctors have excessive changes in their daily activities so that they can bring a deeper and closer monitoring of patients assigned. In addition, since ECO propose the creation of a new set: the oncologist physician. "The patient wants someone by name, I can call by name and use it whenever necessary. Someone who knows your case, who knows what is reported and what not, which recognizes and which is really confident. In short, a head oncologist, "said Dr. Moreno Nogueira, a member of the Scientific Secretariat of the Foundation. The appropriate communication with patients in their own truth or the truth that he needs to know at all times, ask what tests and why they ask, the information on the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment monitoring requires several consultations should be dispender by the same doctor. "It is better that you always see the same doctor who does the best doctor ever," he said. Shortage of oncologists
From ECO suggest that the loss of confidence and lack of recognition is caused by the rotation of doctors in oncology services themselves. In this regard, Manuel Constenla ECO Foundation patron and head of service Montecelo Pontevedra Hospital, said the guards, health plan, external meetings, conferences and substitutions of residents, among other things, assume that not always the same doctor who takes care and monitoring of a patient, so this commitment to patient failure. The shortage of specialists in oncology with which hospitals are now due to the increased incidence of disease and increased survival of patients with cancer, makes the provision of quality care. In Spain there are currently 891 practicing medical oncologists and their ratio is 1.5 doctors per 100,000 inhabitants, a figure considered insufficient ECO Foundation. According to Dr. Constenla, it is necessary to increase the number of medical specialists in these services, as the predictable increase in cancer cases will demand a greater and more effective response by the NHS.

Source: Health Act

Friday, February 11, 2011

My Visa Appointment Confirmation Id

Searches for text fields in MySQL

Version: MySQL 5.1.x

time ago I published a post on the problem of searching for text fields using PostgreSQL: text-en.html

Today we will consider the same question in MySQL.

The problem

Suppose we are asked to do a flexible search by customer name. The idea is that the user can enter as search criteria a name or part of the name without having to consider uppercase and lowercase letters and accented letters.

The MySQL solution

From the point of view the solution code MySQL can be very simple and almost transparent:

SELECT * FROM customers WHERE name LIKE '% martin%'

LIKE is used, standard SQL, to compare a string with a certain pattern. Y is used% which represents zero or more characters to make the comparison more flexible (allows partial search.)

This should win back customers from name:
MARTIN, SAN MARTIN, San Martin, Martin, San Martín, Etc.

Ready? Can we play again Berusky? Mmmm ... not so fast. For this search to work we need to understand better how to make MySQL ago comparisons between texts.


main thing is to understand what are the character sets and the "matches" (1). A character set is a set of symbols and their corresponding encoding. A collation is a set of rules for comparing the symbols of a set of characters (2).

MySQL Server supports many character sets. The best known English-speaking world are LATIN1 and UTF8. In turn, a character set always has at least one matching, but may have several. For example, the latin1 character set has the following matches:

latin1_german1_ci (German DIN-1) latin1_swedish_ci
(Swedish / Finnish)
latin1_general_ci (Multilingual)
latin1_general_cs (Multilingual, case sensitive)
latin1_spanish_ci (English Modern)

As noted, there is a convention for collation names: start with the name of the character set to which they are associated, then include the name of the language, and end with _ci (not case-sensitive), _cs ( case-sensitive), or _bin (binary).

The comparison tells the engine how it should compare the symbols of a set of characters. Let's say you say some commonly used comparisons of the characters that should be considered equivalent to the letter "i" (lowercase i).

latin1_general_ci For comparison the "i" is equivalent to "I" (capital i). This means that the engine will only be considered as equivalent to the lowercase i's i capital.

latin1_spanish_ci For comparison the "i" is equivalent to: "I Ì Í Î Ï ì í î ï. In this case the engine is to consider the i lowercase equivalent of a much wider range of options.

Applying the above rules if the engine evaluates: 'Martin' LIKE '% martin%'
returns false in latin1_general_ci
returns true in latin1_spanish_ci

To find out more rules equivalence of each comparison is very useful site:

Once we understand how MySQL performs the comparison between characters simply must make sure you use a comparison that fits our needs and that depends on the settings. There are default settings for character sets and collations at four levels: server, database, table, and connection. And there are specific settings for fields, for example. You can see in detail how the settings are set as precedence are evaluated in the MySQL Manual (2). Here we simply mention two ways to force the use of a specific matching to solve the problem of finding a simple way.

1) You can set the character set and default collation of the column

Each column of type "character" (CHAR, VARCHAR, or TEXT) has a set of characters and collation of column. In general the default settings of the column has the highest precedence when making the comparison as it solves our problems. The column definition syntax has optional clauses for specifying the character set and collation.


name VARCHAR (20) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_spanish_ci

can change these values \u200b\u200bin an existing column using phpMyAdmin or the command ALTER TABLE, according to your convenience.

2) You can specify the collation be used to define the query

If you want to modify the default definitions in the database you can specify the collation to use when defining the SQL query as follows:

SELECT * FROM customers WHERE name
LIKE '% martin%' COLLATE latin1_spanish_ci

In this case one must be careful that the character set matches the set in column (latin1, utf8, etc.).

With either of these two procedures achieved run queries as needed.

Notes (1) In the MySQL 5.0 Manual in English COLLATE translates as "snack." Here we have preferred to "matching" as being more appropriate or friendly. Anyway it is a matter of taste.

(2) For a thorough analysis of character sets and collation see:

MySQL Manual 5.1 (English)
Chapter 9. Internationalization and Localization

MySQL Manual 5.0 (English, corresponds to an earlier version but still useful for the topic )
Chapter 10. Character Set Support

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Calories Salad With No Dressing

Pig's trotters GM D sauce pan with potatoes

These hands I made last night a little thoughtlessly, to see that step out and spent the fried tomatoes and had it open to several days and did not want to spoil me, the truth is that they have went very smooth and very rich flavor, I've missed some chips to accompany them, (my time I have not had them), so with some vegetables and a salad

4 pig's feet clean and halved 2
2 chorizo \u200b\u200bcayenne 4 tablespoons
1 cup tomato sauce
white wine 100ml water
1 bay leaf 1 scoop
knorr beef broth salt

Preparation: 1 We

water in the basin of the GM D (half) and add the pork and clean hands, cover with v'lavula closed, high pressure pulses menu, when done manually depressurized and throw that water and rinse hands.
2 º We all ingredients in the bowl of the GMD including hands, cover water, stir a bit, cover with valve closed, vegetable menu, high pressure, let alone and serve hot depressurize

these hands are much more tasty than one day to another, to warm the next day, we grilled menu 8 minutes, glass lid (if available) but with open valve cover
in a pressure cooker of life as good abrazocorazon out.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Best Books On Learning Football

knuckle salmuerizado GM D

This is what we ate at home today to see if you like the recipe I got from
Alcoiana Blog her blog here

salmuerizado A pork knuckle (I buy in supermarkets and weighs 900 g) 40g

olive oil 1 onion 2 leeks

2 carrots 1 cup red wine meter
5 cloves odor
10 black peppercorns
1 bay leaf
4 potatoes
10 large mushrooms


1, add the oil in the basin of the GM D, set menu oven 10 minutes, add the knuckle and the whole onion with cloves stuck in it, we'll be hanging around the shank until it turns color when time is up add the remaining ingredients except the garnish, cover with valve closed, 80 minutes pulses menu, high pressure, we depressurize alone (when we open the pot, the liquid has risen enough.) We took the shank and the reserved vegetables, remove the bay leaf and peppercorns in the cell in the same broth that has the pan add the potatoes (cut to tortilla) and cut mushrooms in half, plug valve closed kitchen menu, manually depressurize, the source gets the knuckle (if we heat has cooled a bit) potatoes with mushrooms, broth is in the bucket to what we reserved vegetables in the bowl of a blender and grind right now we add sauce to the shank and potatoes but it's going to taste, this C:\Documents and C:\Documents and C:\Documents and and cheapie, I struggled shank 3.80 € contento2.

panidicadora And this bread in the sauce to accompany this very C:\Documents and

Pan bakery

Ingredients: 300ml water

1 teaspoon sugar 1 and 1 / 2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon olive oil 500g

bread flour 1 packet of baker's yeast

cornstarch Preparation:

Place all ingredients into the pan of the breadmaker in the order of the recipe, program No. 1 (white bread) 750gr, medium roast, when finished remove and place on a rack until cool