Friday, December 17, 2010

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feline infectious peritonitis (FIP)

Feline infectious peritonitis is a fatal disease of cats caused by feline coronavirus. The infection by feline coronavirus is very common in cats, but most of the time it causes more problems than mild self-limiting diarrhea. Rarely, the virus mutates (changes) within an infected cat and is the mutated form that causes the disease called FIP.

How cats are infected by a coronavirus?

The coronavirus is ubiquitous among cats, and a cat infected with the virus is very common in places where many animals live. It is estimated that between 25 and 40% of household pet cats are infected. The percentage of infected up to 80-100% of the cats that live in large groups in homes, shelters or farms. Transmission of the virus is fecal-oral route, ie, the coronavirus is eliminated via the faeces into the environment and cats become infected by ingesting when grooming or eating. Most infected cats excrete virus in faeces for a variable period and then stop doing it. The same can reinfect infected cat feces from another cat and start to excrete virus again. In other cases, cats shed the virus continuously.

Although the coronavirus is the cause of FIP infected with coronavirus strategy does not imply that the cat will develop FIP. Compared with the number of infected cats, cats with FIP are very few. It is only if the virus mutates when the cat will develop FIP.

Why the virus mutates? Although the cause of viral mutation is not known precisely, it is known that several factors may influence the mutation. Most cases of FIP occur in young cats. An inappropriate immune response coupled with other stressors such as relocation, neutralization surgery, vaccination or the presence of concurrent diseases cats seem to make young people more vulnerable to the PIF. However, the PIF can affect cats of all ages, and predisposing risk factors or are not always obvious. In some cases seems to have a genetic predisposition, as pure-bred cats seem to have increased risk of PIF, including some lines of certain breeds.

What clinical signs presented the PIF?
The PIF has diverse clinical manifestations, so there are no associated clinical signs that are pathognomonic of the disease. The most classic form of the disease, called "Wet FIP \u200b\u200bis characterized by the accumulation of yellow fluid in the abdominal cavity (causing strain of it) and / or chest (pleural effusion, which results in breathing difficulties). However, the presence of this fluid is not exclusive diagnosis of FIP, in addition to a large number of FIP cases show no accumulation of fluid in cavities. The initial symptoms are nonspecific and vague, such as lethargy and loss of appetite. Some forms of disease present with inflammatory lesions in the eyes or nervous system, causing vision impairment and behavioral problems, trembling gait or tremors. The disease often progresses quickly and the outcome is fatal.

diagnosed How is FIP?

There is no specific diagnostic test for FIP. The affected tissue biopsies can confirm the diagnosis, but usually the cat is too sick to take a biopsy, so that this procedure is usually done only after the post mortem examination.

PIF is suspected, the veterinarian will start with a comprehensive review of animal, including the eyes and nervous system. The more findings consistent with the diagnosis of FIP are more likely the cat with this disease.
If there is some fluid in the pleural cavity, abdominal or both, one of the most useful test is the analysis of the fluid. If signs of fluid accumulation are not very clear, x-ray or ultrasound will be very useful for detecting small amounts of fluid in cavities. Furthermore, ultrasound-guided puncture can obtain a sample of the liquid. The fluid usually appearance (but not always) thick, straw colored, and the analysis we found a high protein and very few cells. The presence of fluid in the abdominal cavity confirmed the diagnosis PIF, as there are other feline diseases that may present with this clinical sign. However, if the fluid builds up in both abdominal and pleural cavity, the diagnosis of FIP is very likely. usual blood tests (hematology and biochemistry) are useful primarily to exclude other causes of disease, and secondly to detect changes that are consistent with the diagnosis of FIP. Most often in cases of FIP is that the number of a type of white blood cells (lymphocytes) is low, there is a moderate anemia, the levels of plasma proteins are high and sometimes the levels of bilirubin blood (a pigment from the red blood cell destruction) are high. All these findings are very nonspecific, and we will confirm a diagnosis of FIP, but may be helpful to suspect the presence of the disease. vacuna contra el PIF? El PIF es muy raro en gatos caseros. El riesgo de padecer PIF puede minimized if the cats come from neighborhoods where there are few individuals and if we maintain a stable group of few cats (less than five cats in one house). Other measures that help minimize the risk of disease is to avoid stressors, such as avoiding the house changes, control parasites or not vaccinating and neutering all the same day, especially if the cat is not well.
Many of these abnormalities may not appear in the early stages of the disease, but will become increasingly evident as the disease progresses. That is why some of these tests should be repeated later if you are normal at the beginning of the appearance of signs. Cats can be tested to see if they have been exposed to a coronavirus by analysis of antibodies specific. However, this type of analysis has a limited validity in the diagnosis of FIP. These tests do not differentiate between coronavirus strains most common and result in few clinical problems, and the mutant forms that cause FIP. Thus, as there are many cats infected with coronavirus, there are many positive to the serological test. These results give us no information about whether a cat has FIP or whether it could develop in the future. We also know that some cats with FIP confirmed not have antibodies, so that this test can not be used to exclude a PIF. neurologic signs in cats with no other abnormalities, an MRI of the brain and cerebrospinal fluid analysis may be useful. Could this be the PIF?

Once they develop clinical signs of FIP, it is an incurable and fatal disease. Treatment is to relieve symptoms and is based on anti-inflammatories and appetite stimulants. Although there are a handful of anecdotal articles suggest some success with treatment with new antiviral, studies have shown no benefit with this class of drugs. In most cases, euthanasia is the most humane decision to prevent animal suffering. Does

Hay una vacuna comercial desarrollada en EEUU y comercializada allí y en otros países, España incluida. En Reino Unido no está disponible. La eficacia de la vacuna se desconoce, ya quelos diferentes estudios realizados arrojan resultados totalmente discordantes. La opinión generalizada es que no es especialmente efectiva, sólo se permite su uso en gatitos mayores de 16 semanas de edad, y a esa edad la mayoría de los gatos ya están infectados por el virus.

¿Cómo se puede prevenir y controlar el PIF?

Gatos caseros

cattery with endemic FIP This method sometimes fails if the mother is shedding virus and transmitted directly to the puppies. It is suspected that this process is less common in cats over two years. A measure that can be taken to prevent early weaning of the kittens (at 5 or 6 weeks of age when maternal antibodies still protected) and the consequent separation of mother and cubs. Proper hygiene is also considered vital as part of infection control in these circumstances. Although these methods are effective, it needs a great collaboration of farmers, as there are some doubts about the development proper behavior of kittens that are isolated from their mother until the age of 4 months old.
Sometimes it is easier to accept that there are endemic coronavirus infection and institute measures to try to minimize their impact. Whereas the major route of infection is fecal-virus, control measures would be most useful:
Provide at least one litter box per two cats, located in an area easy to clean / disinfect Trays should be separated from food and water bowls to prevent cross contamination. Cats should be kept in small stable groups of four or fewer individuals, and minimize the risk of cross contamination within the same household.
feces should be removed from the trays at least once a day sand and completely changed as often as possible, coupled with the disinfection of the tray.
breeding programs with more than 8 or 10 cats (including kittens) should not be rushed into a house. Large groups of cats require specially designed facilities to provide hygienic conditions maintained and care. regular brushing hair, especially long-haired breeds, Behavior of infection by fecal debris and sand.
We can recommend the separation of mothers and pups to control the spread of coronavirus kittens.


protective proper hygiene and avoiding overcrowding are key strategies to minimize the risk of FIP in this type of premises. Cats should be housed singly, and, if possible, at least in homogeneous groups and to remain as stable as possible.

information sharing by the cat's well
GEMFE is a national socio ISFM


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