Costilla onion and pepper sauce
Yesterday I made a very rich pork chops for lunch and accompanied by baked potatoes, the ribs recipe I have copied this is the link Maetiare has a very nice blog, go to meet you, I recommend
Ingredients: 600 gr
Pork Ribs
2 green peppers chopped Italian
1 large onion 400g tomato sauce GM D pot.
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil salt
2 cloves garlic
Preparation: Put
2 tablespoons olive oil in the basin of the GM D, programmed cooking menu, cut the ribs and throw them to the pan, seasoning, browned a little, add finely chopped garlic, onion and peppers into small pieces, fry all together until the onion begins to transparent, add tomato sauce, mix well and cover pot, and stop valve closed until the end of the cooking menu, depressurized, open the lid and kitchen set menu, go moving from time to time and when the sauce is reduced and espesita off the pot and serve the accompanied me potatoes and a salad
Ajies bittersweet (red peppers)
today's recipe is the blog Aromas Graciela breast and a link to the recipe is this -bittersweet ii.html really struck me the recipe and as I had many red peppers peppers approve said and here is the result, she cast in the traditional way to me with the pot GM D
1 kilo of peppers (and clean) (can use multiple colors if we like)
300ml olive oil 300ml
200g sugar 500ml cider vinegar
1 tablespoon coarse salt or salt mahon
peppercorns to taste (I 2 teaspoons black pepper and white)
Preparation: Wash and remove
the center of the peppers, cut like one you like, I short strips along about 2cm wide. Place all ingredients in a bowl of GM D, minus the peppers, set kitchen menu, go moving with a silicone spoon until the sugar dissolves, add the peppers, cover with valve shut and let the program finish, put take stock in sterilized jars and peppers, close the lid and place upside down, let it cool and save, once opened store in the refrigerator for 7 to 10 days with a bit of liquid left over but not clear whether
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