Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Woman Shaved Arm Pit Photes

octopus cooked and sweet potato pie ( GM pot D) Quail

Here you have the food and dessert today, this very rich have tuned a bit to not change the source pulpits this blog kitchen and the source of the pie that other blog . html

octopus cooked

Ingredients: 1 kg
thawed and clean

1 medium onion 1 medium red onion 3 potatoes


salt 1 bay leaf 40ml brandy

1 tablet of fish stock cube
ground paprika


pulpits We wash well and put in the tray from the GM D, with 1l of water, salt, bay leaf and the brandy, cover the pot with valve closed kitchen menu, high pressure, when done depressurized hand get everything and book now we dry the pan with kitchen paper and add oil, programmed cooking menu and when the oil is hot fry the onion until golden brown, add the chopped potatoes to taste a bit rehogamos add the paprika and ñora, sauté a little more reserved pulpits add the broth, cover with valve closed and cooking menu when you finish eating and

depressurized PS this stew is better from one day to another (I did at night and at noon it warmed up a bit, kitchen menu 2 minutes)


And here I leave

dessert cake sweet

Ingredients: 650 gr

roasted sweet potato (Sweet potatoes roasted )

200 g flour 1 packet yeast 3 eggs
royal type
oil 40 ml Sunflower

250 milliliters of milk or 100 grams of fructose
sugar 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon chopped almonds


Put the paddle in Mycook jar, add eggs and sugar set 4 minutes, speed 3 / 4, add the sunflower oil, milk and cinnamon, set 1 minute, 4 speed, add flour with yeast, schedule 30 seconds, speed 3, remove the paddle and add the roasted sweet potatoes, set speed 6 / 10 seconds, put the silicone in the tank for GM D (not necessary, but I like to put it) and pour the mixture obtained in, throw the pieces of almonds and cover the pan, valve open or removed (I take it off) and set menu 45 minutes, when done to uncover and cool in the pan, when the cold demolding

PS silicone base because I like to put it more as I get biscuits and cakes, not by the lack

Saturday, October 23, 2010

What Can I Use To Write On A Cake

GM sauce with Pot D and 2 potato pan tortillas GM D

These quail we have had today with a potato omelette with onion and peppers, quail recipe is from my oldest sister's cooking wonder, though my husband told me that the next will add a little vinegar .... but I said we'll see ..... good here I leave the recipe

sauce Quail GM D

Ingredients: 4 quail

1 red pepper 3 carrots

1 onion 2 cloves garlic 100ml white wine

1vaso meter
chicken broth 1 / 2 measuring cup olive oil 1 tablespoon
Ariosto meat or spices to taste each

salt Preparation:

In the bowl of the GM D add oil and programmed cooking menu, when hot add the quail clean, we add the spices and brown them, remove and reserve, add the onion, garlic, peppers and carrots cut taste and let brown, add the wine and leave until almost evaporated, add the chicken broth and quail, salted to taste close the pot with valve closed and program menu chicken / meat and when done manually depressurized program and serve

Omelette onions and peppers GM D

Well after making several pots programmable tortillas today I made this omelette at GM D and the truth is that we love to come .... rich rich ... . C:\Documents and ... how is it I have copied a colleague and friend Tocinitodecielo Forum

So I've done today

Ingredients: 3 potatoes

red 1/2pimiento
1 / 2 cup salt dipstick

6 eggs Preparation:

Peel the potatoes and chop waterfalls, onion and bell pepper into pieces, threw in the bucket of the D GM potatoes, onion, pepper, oil, salt, stir a little so that everything is integrated well, cover the pot valve closed, cuisine menu, while we beat eggs and, when the pot depressurized, threw eggs and mix to incorporate all ingredients well, cover the pot, programmed menu board, when finished, we remove the tortilla (with a lid that is far) and we turn the tables, cover and program menu sheet 8 minutes, remove and serve, so goes much more tasty
So goes

before flip the tortilla

This curd but I turn my back I like most about the fit and also taste

Ingredients: 3 medium zucchini

1 onion 6 large eggs

salt 2 tablespoons olive oil

Preparation: Peel the zucchini

but not completely, peel onion and cut slices in half a centimeter or so, in the basin of the GM D add all ingredients, stir a bit iron and program menu, valve closed when finished depressurize and strain into a large colander to remove all liquid from the tank and leave with nothing zucchini broth, beat eggs well add a little salt and mix with the zucchini and onion, add a teaspoon of oil (I cherry tomatoes) in the pan, add the egg mixed with the zucchini and stir a bit, cover the iron pot and set menu open valve, depressurize and turn out (with a top of tortilla as set out carefully on a plate, flip the tortilla and cover the pan upside down to careful not burn and put it right, so she turns without tearing the tortilla, grilled menu program uncovered 7 minutes, remove and serve

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Dragonball Vegeth Dojunshi

grenade Panacota

With this recipe I participated in the CONTEST WITH GREAT RECIPES
organized by Carlus And sponsored by

Ingredients: 250g of grain

200g of cooking cream 22% fat
200ml milk semidesnatda
150g sugar
6 sheets of gelatin neutral or 7g unflavored gelatin
pomegranate seeds for garnish and for mold

Preparation Mycook:

1 º Put the pomegranate seeds in the jar Mycook and grind speed 10 seconds, strain through a sieve and reserve the broth obtained, pull pulp and add to broth gelatine sheets, while hydrated gelatin, put it in the jar Mycook the remaining ingredients except the pomegranate seeds (for decoration and for the cast) and schedule 4 minutes, 120 °, Speed \u200b\u200b2, when finished we add broth with gelatin shells and hydrated and schedule 3 minutes, speed 4 (without temperature) in a silicone mold (it is silicone grease with butter), add the pomegranate seeds and pour the mixture from the jar and let it cool until the panacota curdle (recommended allowing it to cool first at room temperature and then in the refrigerator overnight.) Once
panacota has curdled remove the mold and serve decorated with a pomegranate seeds over

Traditional Mode: Grind
the pomegranate seeds and strain the juice, throwing the pulp is added to the broth gelatin sheets, while the gelatin is hydrated, put in a saucepan the remaining ingredients except the pomegranate seeds, light the fire and when it comes to a boil, then remove from heat, stir with a whisk a couple of minutes, add the juice with the gelatin dissolved and continue stirring few minutes, a silicone mold (it is silicone grease with butter), add the pomegranate seeds and pour the mixture from the jar and allow to cool until the panacota curdle (recommended allowing it to cool first at room temperature and then in the refrigerator overnight.)
panacota Once the curd is remove the mold and serve decorated with a sprig of fresh mint, a few berries or a bit of caramel on top.

As you know I do not usually participate in contests or events because of time cooking, but this time I do to publicize this fruit and the city of Elche, which I think is important.
Although I do not think you win I feel great to participate and if I win my weight I am eating contento2 grenades and grenade giving all world, including my family @ s contento2 blogger.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Inner Ankle Pain Running Shoes

Meatballs in sauce with tempura, spicy potatoes Ra GM D Hanout

These meatballs we really like at home, but always do a tune, weird in my truth ... hehehe ... this time the tune has been little and we liked it to fatten up the sauce and adds a rich, well here I leave the recipe

Meatballs in sauce with tempura

For the meatballs:

800g minced beef 2 garlic cloves peeled

a handful of chopped pine nuts 2 eggs

dried parsley

sauce mushrooms peas

200ml white wine 1 onion 6 tablespoons
homemade tomato sauce (tomato, onion, carrots, peppers) tempura flour Harinsa

salt 1 / 2 dice cup olive oil 1
ladle of broth


1, make the meatballs in a bowl put all ingredients and mix well, make the balls (I with scissors to make meatballs) rebozadlas in tempura flour, pour olive oil in the basin of the GM D, programmed cooking menu, and fry the meatballs in batches, when they are browned and so tease out they are all browned (if missing add oil), fry the onions and when golden add all the meatballs in the pan, add wine, let it consume a few minutes, add peas, mushrooms, cleaned and cut in half add tomato sauce, salt and vegetable scoop, cover the pot valve closed, kitchen menu, served hot and accompanied by what more you like me with potatoes spiced with ras el hanout

spicy potatoes Ras Hanout

Well these potatoes have cooked my costi, the truth is that they are very rich, are provided by you to do and as an accompaniment are very rich, the kind of Ras El Hanout in Eroski's find, international section

Ingredients: potatoes

salt 1 tablespoon Ras El Hanout
1 / 2 olive oil beaker


Peel and cut potatoes a small tacos, put oil in the basin of the GM D cuisine menu and program 5 minutes, when the hot oil add the remaining ingredients, stir to mix well, cover the pot with valve closed and allowed to complete the menu, remove and serve depressurize

meatballs with potatoes

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Blueprint For A Doom Buggy

pot ribs with onion and pepper sauce, chili sour ( red pepper) GM AIG D

Costilla onion and pepper sauce

Yesterday I made a very rich pork chops for lunch and accompanied by baked potatoes, the ribs recipe I have copied this is the link Maetiare has a very nice blog, go to meet you, I recommend ok ribs are very rich, they echo the traditional way to me with my pot GM D, so no one does not stain the bowl from the pot guiño

Ingredients: 600 gr

Pork Ribs
2 green peppers chopped Italian

1 large onion 400g tomato sauce GM D pot.
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil salt
2 cloves garlic

Preparation: Put

2 tablespoons olive oil in the basin of the GM D, programmed cooking menu, cut the ribs and throw them to the pan, seasoning, browned a little, add finely chopped garlic, onion and peppers into small pieces, fry all together until the onion begins to transparent, add tomato sauce, mix well and cover pot, and stop valve closed until the end of the cooking menu, depressurized, open the lid and kitchen set menu, go moving from time to time and when the sauce is reduced and espesita off the pot and serve the accompanied me potatoes and a salad alegria 3

Ajies bittersweet (red peppers)

today's recipe is the blog Aromas Graciela breast and a link to the recipe is this -bittersweet ii.html really struck me the recipe and as I had many red peppers peppers approve said and here is the result, she cast in the traditional way to me with the pot GM D


1 kilo of peppers (and clean) (can use multiple colors if we like)

300ml olive oil 300ml

200g sugar 500ml cider vinegar
1 tablespoon coarse salt or salt mahon
peppercorns to taste (I 2 teaspoons black pepper and white)

Preparation: Wash and remove

the center of the peppers, cut like one you like, I short strips along about 2cm wide. Place all ingredients in a bowl of GM D, minus the peppers, set kitchen menu, go moving with a silicone spoon until the sugar dissolves, add the peppers, cover with valve shut and let the program finish, put take stock in sterilized jars and peppers, close the lid and place upside down, let it cool and save, once opened store in the refrigerator for 7 to 10 days with a bit of liquid left over but not clear whether contento2.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Menmasterbation House Hold Goods

2010 this year participated

This year I signed up for Secret Santa last year please sign up and when I decided it was too late so this year I'm pointed to AIG 2010 every year since 2008 Bea this is her blog Bea Bea The Corner Of organizes the invisible friend from culinary blogs, this year designed the logo Carolina this is her children illustrator Carol, it's beautiful 2010 design AIG? no longer worth visiting
I'm nervous about who is going to touch me and I will give
I encourage you to participate that is sure we will enjoy it much, if you want to participate, you know the blog sign in Bea of the registration period is until 18 October on his blog is all very well explained, the rules and how to participate. Hope you
should be given hints that we might like and make it easier for our AIG Well I'll just say what I like and not put so much easier risita
I DO NOT like the chorizo, cheeses too strong, spicy, these little things I feel terrible, well I think I have since facilitated, which tickled me will be well received and very excited I'm going to pick
gracias Bea for organizing the Carol invisible friend and the logo beso carazon